Vad tycker ni Hangaren representerar?
”This place is the definition of freedom. You are able to be whatever you want.” Bram 18.
”I think it represent creativity, youth, freedom and liberty.” Veronika 19
”The freedom in people, art and relationships.” Filip 24

En grupp europeiska Erasmusdeltagare i regi av Malmö Ideella kom på besök i Hangaren.
De fick lite historia och information om platsen och UNG.
Sen fick de göra samarbetsmåleri i tävlingsform. Vilken grupp samverkar bäst på temat Malmö/Sverige?
Till slut fick de även skriva ner några tankar om deras besök här.
(1). Martina Adragna 19, unemployed
(2). Bram 18, student
(3). Gabriele Dámico 30, socialmorker
(4). Marun 28, Poland
(5). Aurora Battaglin 18, student
(6). Stefano 18, student
(7). Giannis Koutzinos 20, university student
(8). Dimitrios Aspridis 20, university student
(9). Angelos 20, university student
(10). Athanasio 21, student
(11). Vasilis Orfaridis 21, student
(12). Julia 18, student
(13). Veronika 19, Poland
(14). Filip 24, Poland
(15). Edoardo 22, student
(16). Tobiag 19, student
(17). Georgios 21, student

What have you been doing here?
(1). We came to visit Hangaren where they explained the history of the place to us and then we made a mural.
(2). I´m there with the youth spaces project beaucause I wont to try something. New draw graffiti so funny.
(3). Im here to visit the place, learn about its history and try my hand at graffiti!
(4). Painting probably.
(5). Im here with Erasmus project so I´m able to know something about Malmö and art.
(6). We learnt the story of this place and we have done a ”group graffiti”.
(7). We came here to paint.
(8). Making graffiti with my team.
(9). Erasmus project.
(10). Learn how to be a graffiti artist
(11). Graffiti Session via Erasmust
(12). Artist project
(13). Painting a graffiti
(14). Hands
(15). Expressing myself
(16). Artistic project
(17). Visit. Paint a wall with graffiti.
What did you like it?
(1). Everything. It´s a beautiful place.
(2). The team work. The colours.
(3). I liked everything
(4). Painting is great to feel free.
(5). Everything.
(6). I really like the atmosphere we created.
(7). I like the way we communicate and what we paint.
(8). The way we communicate and the ”art” we made.
(9). Everything
(10). The hole experience
(11). I poved it, might start experimenting with graffiti
(12). Yes
(13). Yes
(14). Yes, that was fun and interesting
(15). Everything
(16). Freedom
(17). I like the freedom thay gave us. I havent seen anything like that. Also many colours we could use. Very nice enviroment.

What do you think this place is? What does it represent?
(2). This place is the definition of freedom. You are able to be whatever you want.
(3). For me it represent art, the expression of the freedom of each of us.
(4). Its a great place that represent all people of Malmö.
(5). A place where everyone can feel safe.
(6). I think this place represent freedom and hapiness.
(7). The place is a paradise. It represent HIP HOP.
(8). Free expression and freedom generally.
(9). Equality, growth and space.
(10). The freedom that comes from art.
(11). It represent urban art
(12). This place is very beautiful and I think colaborated with me
(13). I think it represent creativity, youth, freedom and liberty.
(14). The freedom in people, art and relationships.
(15). It´s a whole other universe.
(16). Place is awesome, for me represent diversity.
(17). Its an art gallery with graffiti as its main topic. Alsa it has an interactive workshop about this topic.
Would you like to come here again?
(1). Yes.
(2). For sure.
(3). Certainly!
(4). Yes
(5). For sure!
(6). Yes.
(8). Yes
(9). Definately yes!
(10). Yes I would do it again
(11). Sure
(12). Yes
(13). Yes
(14). Yes, I want to create entire wall of hands
(15). 100%
(16). Yes
(17). Yes, for sure.

If so, what would you like to do here?
(1). Murales
(2). Listening to some others really interesting stories about this place, and work and there graffiti.
(3). Hear more stories, and paint some more!
(4). Artistic expression.
(5). Paint some more.
(6). I would like to do the same activity.
(7). To play music, djing while the graffiti artists are painting.
(8). Paint and make some more graffiti.
(9). Live here.
(10). Paint of graffiti
(11). Paint some more.
(12). Painting more
(13). Paint again
(14). As I said.
(15). Paint graffiti´s
(16). More graffiti, be more artistic
(17). Paint again.

Vinnarbild. Det teamet som samarbetade bäst samt tydligast gjorde en målning kopplat till temat: Malmö/Sweden.
What are you doing 10 years from now?
(1). Still do not know
(2). I hope to travel a lot and find other places like that.
(3). Live to the fullest! (Togheter with Art!)
(4). An interesting and great work.
(5). I don´t know already but I wanna live my life without remorses.
(6). I like to be an educator.
(7). Travel around the world.
(8). Travel around the world, have fun, working.
(9). Probably be a politician in my country.
(10). I will become an artist.
(11). Probably teaching
(12). I think will spend time in my fav job and will travel a lot of. =)
(13). I´ll finish my university and try to become a therapist.
(14). I probablly starving and don´t have job.
(15). Artist. Doing concert all around the world.
(16). Probablly I will be Polish prosecutor.
(17). Probably working in a big company, settle down.
En kort film finns på Instagram: CFUKSWEDEN